Det har gått hela 19 år sedan Hayden Christensen gestaltade den ikoniske skurken Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader senast, men han har faktiskt aldrig pratat om hur det vara att bära den klassiska Darth Vader-kostymen förrän nu. Christensen som debuterade i Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones avslöjar också att det först inte var tänkt att han skulle ha den på sig överhuvudtaget men att han till slut lyckades övertala George Lucas om det som då också lät specialtillverka en kostym åt honom för att den skulle passa lite bättre än den som David Prowes bar.

Hayden Christensen:
"I found out that they were not planning having me be in the Darth Vader suit, and I was a little bummed about that. So I spoke to George Lucas and I asked him, and he was kind enough to oblige. I think there’s something nice about knowing that it’s the actor in the costume as well, but it was really just for my benefit. It was a challenging suit to move around, and I told George, I was like, "Look, I don’t know that I can move as well as I thought I’d be able to." And he was like, "It’s okay, it’s supposed to be your first time in the suit, so if it’s a little rigid and awkward, he was like, that’s a good thing, actually."

When the helmet goes on, and you’re just totally enclosed in this costume, it was a remarkable experience, just because you could see people’s reaction to seeing Vader for the first time. People who were usually very assertive became a little more timid, and they’d kind of like not wanna make eye contact with you. I had good fun with that."

<bild>Lite svettigt var det antagligen att bära kostymen också gissar vi på.</bild>

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