Det är idag svårt att se någon annan i rollen som Doctor Strange än den alltid lika karismatiske Benedict Cumberbatch, men faktum är att saker och ting hade kunnat bli väldigt annorlunda.

För enligt filmens regissör så var det oerhört nära att rollen som den magiska doktorn gått till ingen mindre än Joaquin Phoenix, något Derrickson talade om i en intervju med Slash Film.

"Well, all I’ll say is I spent some time with him. I spent a couple of long afternoons with him and really was really impressed with him personally and his thought process."

"This is what I’ll say: I think he was giving, I think he was opening his mind to the possibility. I think he was investigating the possibility. I met with a bunch of actors, and Joaquin was the one that I spent the most time with"

Derrickson nämnde att det i slutändan helt enkelt inte kändes rätt, och att både hans och Phoenix egen slutsats var att MCU helt enkelt inte var något för honom.

"As we continued to talk, it became clear to me that Joaquin didn’t really belong in that movie and probably never belonged in the MCU. He’s a very specific guy with very specific goals as an actor, and a very specific way of performing."

Phoenix har själv även kommenterat på hans vara eller inte vara inom MCU, samt hans motivation till att tacka nej till de roller som presenterats för honom.

"I’ve flirted with several of those films, having meetings and getting close, but ultimately it never felt like they’d really be fulfilling. There were too many requirements that went against my instincts for character. I’ve been spoiled. I’ve never had to make those compromises."

Hade du kunnat tänka dig Phoenix i någon MCU-roll, och i så fall vilken?

<bild>En lite väl konstig doktor.</bild>


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