Precis lagom till biopremiären av Furiosa och i kölvattnet efter postapokalyptiska Fallout (Amazon Prime) rullar nu Epic Games ut nya säsongen i Fortnite som fått namnet "Wrecked" och beskrivs som "Dieselpunk". Den dimper in idag och vi kommer kunna spela som en ärtskida, Magneto, Power Armor från Fallout och mycket mer.
Welcome to the Wasteland
Ah, the wasteland… the possibilities seem as vast as the grains of sand. So vast that the "Wasteland Warriors" don’t want to give up control. This band of marauders brings a whole new meaning to scrappy crew — each one is an automobile expert who’ll tread on any rebellion. In Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked, get in the driver’s seat and bring the Nitro to these vehicular villains!
A ferocious sandstorm recently moved over the Island, creating a new biome in the south dubbed the wasteland. The "Wasteland Warriors" have already called shotgun on owning the place. (They did ride in with the sandstorm, after all.) This crew moves as fast as their decked-out cars, proven by the places they’ve already established.