Under flera år har fansen kritiserat Activision och Call of Duty-bossarna Infinity Ward för deras matchmaking i framförallt Warzone och trots ett evinnerligt bönande har utvecklarna vägrat beskriva och berätta om i detalj hur de matchar spelare mot varandra, online. Men sent ska syndaren vakna och nu har Activision börjat dela med sig av hur deras system verkligen fungerar. Nedan hittar du information från den officiella Call of Duty-siten om hur matchmakingen fungerar. Här kan du läsa rubbet.
"With the launch of Modern Warfare III Season 1 late last year, we committed to a conversation with our community about Matchmaking. Today’s intel is intended to kick off that dialogue and is a new beginning for what we hope will be an ongoing conversation about matchmaking, sharing our process and learnings with you to answer questions (and concerns) we’ve seen within the community. This blog focuses on how matchmaking works across Multiplayer only. We will be continuing the conversation about matchmaking in other modes (such as Call of Duty: Warzone™ and Ranked Play) at a later date.
For players that have heard the term but aren’t familiar with what we’re referring to: Matchmaking is a multi-factor process to place players on teams – with and against each other – to compete in online games. The single, biggest priority with respect to Multiplayer matchmaking is delivering a fun experience to our players. While we have many years of testing and learning as part of our matchmaking process, we are continuously working to deliver the best experiences possible. For that reason, we continue to test and look forward to more enhancements to come. We often see the community refer to our matchmaking system as "Skill-based Matchmaking." Call of Duty does consider skill (or more specifically player performance) as a component, as do most in the industry, but skill is not the dominant variable. We consider and prioritize several factors to create lobbies.
• CONNECTION – As the community will attest, Ping is King. Connection is the most critical and heavily weighted factor in the matchmaking process.
• TIME TO MATCH – This factor is the second most critical to the matchmaking process. We all want to spend time playing the game rather than waiting for matches to start.
The following factors are also critical to the matchmaking process:
• PLAYLIST DIVERSITY – The number of playlists available for players to choose from.
• RECENT MAPS/MODES – Considering maps you have recently played on as well as your mode preferences, editable in Quick Play settings.
• SKILL/PERFORMANCE – This is used to give our players – a global community with a wide skill range – the opportunity to have an impact in every match.
• INPUT DEVICE – Controller or mouse and keyboard.
• PLATFORM – The device (PC, Console) that you are playing on.
• VOICE CHAT – Enabled or disabled.
Every time a player begins matchmaking in Multiplayer, for example, the process needs to work through all these factors to find other players (all of which are also being analyzed) to quickly assemble a lobby that is stable and competitive. These factors have resulted in a process that we believe provides the best player experience and creates a stronger community for Call of Duty worldwide."