Häromdagen rapporterade vi om hur upprörda fans var över Larry the barflys bortgång i den senaste säsongen av The Simpsons. Något som en av seriens producenter nu har kommenterat på och ber om ursäkt för i en intervju.
"I’m sorry if some fans are upset, but we really wanted to use Larry’s death as a way to show that even the most peripheral people in our lives have dignity and worth, and that we really shouldn’t take anyone for granted"
"To me, it’s sort of fitting that some fans are taking Larry’s demise as hard as Homer and his friends do. It’s just a measure of how much the show still means to people. I mean, nobody would have been upset if the Flintstones had killed off the Great Gazoo. If anything, they would have been thrilled"
"The episode is about a lot of things, but mostly it’s about the fear of death. Simpsons characters have always had unusually rich emotional lives, and this episode is really about their anxiety over what comes next"
Larry är som bekant inte den första karaktären som serien valt att lämna bakom sig, och genom åren har flertalet mer eller mindre kända ansikten fått stryka med, däribland Mona Simpson, Edna Krabappel, Frank Grimes och Maude Flanders.
Hur reagerade du på Larrys bortgång?
<bild>De inte allt för lyckliga kompisarna.</bild>