När den japanska rollspelsgiganten Square Enix nu stänger räkenskapsåret 2023 meddelar de att bolaget går med 1,4 miljarder kronor i förlust, vilket trots succéer som Final Fantasy XVI samt Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth var ofrånkomligt då de enligt sin egen rapport lagt ned för många pågående spel, som varit under utveckling.
Saxat ur Squares egen finansrapport:
"<strong>Nature of the extraordinary losses
At the meeting convened on March 27, 2024, the Board of Directors of SQUARE ENIX
HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (the "Company") voted, in light of the myriad changes underway in the
environment surrounding its Group, to revise the Group’s approach to the development of
high-definition (HD) games with the intention of being more selective and focused in the
allocation of development resources. As a result of a close examination of the Group’s
development pipeline undertaken in keeping with this revised approach, the Company expects
to recognize approximately ¥22.1 billion in content abandonment losses on its books for the
fiscal year ended March 2024."</strong>
<bild>"Den här högupplösta tuppen här bredvid mig kostade oss 1,4 miljarder kronor!"</bild>