Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-skinsen släpptes i Fortnite för över en månad sen men försvann sen lika snabbt. Men så dök de oozande brunnslocken och New York style-pizzorna upp på battle royale-kartan och fansen begrep såklart direkt att det fanns ett inplanerat Turtles-event inplanerat, som nu är släppt (sen i fredags). Fortnite Cowabunga är alltså ute och du kan nu handla massa olika skins och prylar med Turtles-tema.

"Come out of your shell with the weapons and returning Driftboard and Pizza Party, all while completing Cowabunga Quests to earn Ooze. The more Ooze you get, the more you’ll progress in Cowabunga’s free reward track! The final reward of this track is one of Donnie’s most ingenious inventions: the Turtle Blimp Glider. If you purchase Cowabunga’s Premium Reward Track upgrade, you’ll automatically unlock the Shredder Outfit. The Premium Reward Track is an extra layer of rewards you can unlock at the same rate as the free reward track. Enhanced by the power of the same mutagen that gave the Turtles life, the Super Shredder Outfit is the final reward of this track. Fan of LEGO® Fortnite? Both Shredder and Super Shredder have a LEGO Style!

Traveling through the Island’s sewer pipes? Buying Raphael’s Sai from a vending machine? Congrats, you’re completing Cowabunga Quests at the same time! Cowabunga Quests award you Ooze for completing certain objectives, and the more Ooze you earn, the more in-game rewards you’ll unlock! Go to the Cowabunga tab in the Lobby to keep track of your Ooze and remaining rewards. (Tip: there are also Quests for earning XP in creator-made islands!)."

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